Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, and it's purpose is to spotlight those titles we can't wait for!

This debut, the first novel in a trilogy, is achingly romantic, terrifying, and filled with blistering action.

When seventeen-year-old Ellie starts seeing reapers - monstrous creatures who devour humans and send their souls to Hell - she finds herself on the front lines of a supernatural war between archangels and the Fallen and faced with the possible destruction of her soul.

A mysterious boy named Will reveals she is the reincarnation of an ancient warrior, the only one capable of wielding swords of angelfire to fight the reapers, and he is an immortal sworn to protect her in battle. Now that Ellie's powers have been awakened, a powerful reaper called Bastian has come forward to challenge her. He has employed a fierce assassin to eliminate her - an assassin who has already killed her once.

While balancing her dwindling social life and reaper-hunting duties, she and Will discover Bastian is searching for a dormant creature believed to be a true soul reaper. Bastian plans to use this weapon to ignite the End of Days and to destroy Ellie's soul, ending her rebirth cycle forever. Now, she must face an army of Bastian's most frightening reapers, prevent the soul reaper from consuming her soul, and uncover the secrets of her past lives - including truths that may be too frightening to remember.

*I can't wait for this one! It looks so amazing, and the cover is gorgeous.

So, what are you waiting on this week?


1. Romy @ said...

Great pick, I've been wanting to read this ever since I found it while browsing Goodreads. I totally agree with you about the cover too, beautiful.

2. Lyndsey OHalloran said...

I cant wait for this one too

3. Jan von Harz said...

Waiting on this one too. It has everything action, romance, and the paranormal.

4. Erika said...

great pick! i can't wait to read this one as well. my wow for the week is the last good place of lily odilon

5. Savannah said...

This looks like such a great book. I can't to read this one

6. Katie said...

This looks like a great book, especially because it's a part of a series.

7. Christina / Book Addict said...

I am definitely waiting on this one as well. It looks awesome! Great pick.

8. Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Sounds fascinating...hope you enjoy it.

Here's mine:

9. Aimee said...

Angels are becoming popular! This sounds great! The cover is great. My WoW is here.

10. Leanna Elle said...

I've been hearing a lot of good things about this book. Great pick!

Check out My WoW on my blog!

11. Morgan said...

Angelfire looks amazing, great pick! I can't wait for the release date

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