Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unbroken Connection!

As most of you know I love Angela Morrison. Sing Me To Sleep, and Taken By Storm are two books that just stayed with me almost obsessively and I think about them all the time. If you haven't read those two you really need to.

Well, to my utter joy I got an e-mail today announcing Taken By Storm's sequel, Unbroken Connection, will be coming out next month!

Bring out the streamers and balloons!! This is super exciting for me and I can't wait to read it when it is released on Amazon for Kindle and later from Smashwords in paperback.

Here is the cover and the synopsis for Unbroken Connection. It's been a long time coming and I'm so excited it's almost here!!

Against all odds, the couple that swept you away in TAKEN BY STORM is back.
Michael is in Thailand diving his dream.
Leesie is at BYU living hers.
And they just can't leave each other alone.
Their romance rekindles, deeper than before.
They grow desperate to see one another again.
To hold one another again.
Michael decides there is only one direction their relationship can go and asks Leesie the ultimate question.
Her answer challenges everything Michael is and wants to be.
Can she change for him?
Can he change for her?

Angela's son designed this cover and I give him mad props. I think it's utterly gorgeous and it matches Taken By Storm's paperback perfectly.


Anonymous said...

There's a sequel?! OMG I'm so excited now. I think the cover is super gorgeous as well.

Christina said...

I'm glad you're excited! I am as well. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy there is a sequel!! I actually heard it was supposed to come out on Amazon Kindle today....any news on that, I wonder?


Windowpane Memoirs said...

I read it and is is one of the most beautiful stories that I ever read.

peter tomer said...

Beneficial information about TFOCA Connector .Thanks for sharing this information which is very useful to us.

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