Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine

Neil Gaiman’s Stardust meets John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars in this fantasy about a girl caught between two worlds…two races…and two destinies.
Aza Ray is drowning in thin air. 
Since she was a baby, Aza has suffered from a mysterious lung disease that makes it ever harder for her to breathe, to speak—to live. 
So when Aza catches a glimpse of a ship in the sky, her family chalks it up to a cruel side effect of her medication. But Aza doesn’t think this is a hallucination. She can hear someone on the ship calling her name.
Only her best friend, Jason, listens. Jason, who’s always been there. Jason, for whom she might have more-than-friendly feelings. But before Aza can consider that thrilling idea, something goes terribly wrong. Aza is lost to our world—and found, by another. Magonia. 
Above the clouds, in a land of trading ships, Aza is not the weak and dying thing she was. In Magonia, she can breathe for the first time. Better, she has immense power—and as she navigates her new life, she discovers that war is coming. Magonia and Earth are on the cusp of a reckoning. And in Aza’s hands lies the fate of the whole of humanity—including the boy who loves her. Where do her loyalties lie?

This one sounds so good!  

What are you guys waiting on this week? 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Recently Added to My To Be Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is all about books that have recently been added to my To Be Read pile... as if that wasn't already large enough. 

Here they are, some new, some old. 

What are some of your recent additions? 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Let's Talk: Game of Thrones: is the Show "Spoiling" it?

From time to time I feel the need to discuss things. 
This is where I do it. 
If you have comments, join in! It's like a dinner party in the virtual world without the dinner or the party! 

This discussion is going to focus on the world of Game of Thrones. I read the books, have watched the show, and while they aren't my favorite thing since sliced bread I do enjoy them. 

There has been some controversy as of late because the upcoming season of Game of Thrones (season 5) is going to start spoiling the books. G.R.R. Martin's next series installment is not due out until 2016... and of course, the show must go on. 

This has upset many people... but interestingly enough not G.R.R. Martin. The author of this mega series does not seem to mind if people know where he's going without him going there. 

According to The Verge he had this to say about it:
"This whole concept of spoilers is one that I've never gotten," he says. "Yes, there's a pleasure when you're reading a book, or watching a television show — What will happen next? Who will win? Who will lose? But that is by no means the only reason to watch a movie or a television show. It's not the only reason to read a book."
I thought this explanation was very interesting, but people are upset and actually refusing to watch the show to protect themselves from spoilers. 
What do you guys think? 
Will you guys be checking out the new series, or are you going to commit and wait for the books? 

I haven't made up my mind yet... though I do think it's odd the author is okay with the spoilers when you consider this series has been ten years in the works with no end in sight. 

To spoil or not to spoil? That is the question... 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine

Abram and Juliette know each other. They’ve lived down the street from each other their whole lives. But they don’t really know each other—at least, not until Juliette’s mom and Abram’s dad have a torrid affair that culminates in a deadly car crash. Sharing the same subdivision is uncomfortable, to say the least. They don’t speak.
Fast-forward to the neighborhood pharmacy, a few months later. Abram decides to say hello. Then he decides to invite her to Taco Bell. To her surprise as well as his, she agrees. And the real love story begins.

This is a title that I just found out about over the weekend so I'm making it count! 
Look for it THIS WEEK! 

What are you guys waiting on? 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman [Book Review]

Title: Shadow Scale
Author: Rachel Hartman
Series: Seraphina #2
Publisher: Random House
Source: Received from Publisher for honest review.
ISBN: 0375866574

Seraphina took the literary world by storm with 8 starred reviews and numerous “Best of” lists. At last, her eagerly awaited sequel has arrived—and with it comes an epic battle between humans and dragons.
The kingdom of Goredd: a world where humans and dragons share life with an uneasy balance, and those few who are both human and dragon must hide the truth. Seraphina is one of these, part girl, part dragon, who is reluctantly drawn into the politics of her world. When war breaks out between the dragons and humans, she must travel the lands to find those like herself—for she has an inexplicable connection to all of them, and together they will be able to fight the dragons in powerful, magical ways. 
As Seraphina gathers this motley crew, she is pursued by humans who want to stop her. But the most terrifying is another half dragon, who can creep into people’s minds and take them over. Until now, Seraphina has kept her mind safe from intruders, but that also means she’s held back her own gift. It is time to make a choice: Cling to the safety of her old life, or embrace a powerful new destiny? 
Shadow Scale is truly a sequel which contains as much beauty as the first in the series. I'm struck immediately by Rachel Hartman's writing style, as it is so easy to become lost in her world, with these characters and the landscape that surround them all. 

Shadow Scale starts off pretty much right where Seraphina ends, the changes we saw in the first book are being worked on, and Seraphina must work to unite her people with her land, and lead the way to acceptance rather than chaos for dragon kind. 

What I really loved starting off about Shadow Scale was that we were able to see more of Rachel Hartman's world, becuase there is SO MUCH DEPTH within it. Each character has an extensive back story, so being able to travel and view the surrounding territories was, for me, a highlight of the novel. A character in the first novel makes an appearance that truly captivated me. This character's importance, while always semi-apparant was easily overlooked. This is reminiscent of my statement with the first book, "You blink and you miss it" and I missed it. I was truly captivated with this character's new depth and importance within Seraphina's journey and I could not turn the pages fast enough to find out what was going to happen next. 

And oh, things happened. Lots of things happened... 

In short, this book was fantastic, and it truly lived up to the marvel that was Seraphina. I think I actually liked Shadow Scale better than Seraphina, and yes, you read that correctly. I loved the amount of internal struggle in Shadow Scale and so many things were tied together that I was constantly being taken back by the depth of the story. 

I loved the grotesques in the first book, but actually being able to delve into that world in this story made me realize that Seraphina is truly only half told - which is why Shadow Scale complements it perfectly. 

I feel as if I need to reread Seraphina again just to find all the foreshadowing. It is very apparent that Rachel Hartman planned her world perfectly, and within it each character and being feels real and alive. It is truly incredible. 

Of course, I was concerned from the beginning about Kiggs, because I love him, and I must say I was happy with how that story line ended. 

There is some heartbreak in Shadow Scale, but it is real, powerful, and even uplifting in a way. I am hoping beyond hope that Rachel Hartman revisits the world for something, because the Epilogue left me hoping for some answers. 

I must say, I am pretty indebted to Rachel Hartman's writing style at this point, in fact, I'd read her grocery lists if given the chance. Don't miss Shadow Scale! It's perfect. 

Overall: All fans of Seraphina need this book. All fans of fantasy need this book. All people need to read this series. Don't miss it! You won't be disappointed! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Let's Talk: Are you a Reader or a Blogger?

Hello All! 

I haven't done a "Let's Talk" post in a while, but I've been thinking recently about Blogger relations across all subsets between publishers, authors, etc...

What I must ask you all is what are you foremost, a reader or a blogger?

 I know for myself personally I still consider myself a reader primarily, but the way I read books has changed immensely since I first began reviewing back in 2009. I read books thinking about specifics; How is the character development? Is this storyline overdone? Does this plot make sense? WHY did this just happen? etc...  

I know that part of this has been hounded into me by school as well, but does any one else notice their reading style change do to reviewing? 

I still definitely fall into stories that are fantastic and get overcome by plots and emotions, but there is always a part of me which is formulating the review I will write and thinking about things I MUST say and point out. 

Any one else do things like this? Has your reading style changed from blogging? 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine!

This weeks Waiting on Wednesday features a book I somehow just found out about! Feast your eyes on this...

When Gia Montgomery's boyfriend, Bradley, dumps her in the parking lot of her high school prom, she has to think fast. After all, she'd been telling her friends about him for months now. This was supposed to be the night she proved he existed. So when she sees a cute guy waiting to pick up his sister, she enlists his help. The task is simple: be her fill-in boyfriend— two hours, zero commitment, a few white lies. After that, she can win back the real Bradley.
The problem is that days after prom, it's not the real Bradley she's thinking about, but the stand-in. The one whose name she doesn't even know. But tracking him down doesn't mean they're done faking a relationship. Gia owes him a favor and his sister intends to see that he collects: his ex-girlfriend's graduation party — three hours, zero commitment, a few white lies.
Just when Gia begins to wonder if she could turn her fake boyfriend into a real one, Bradley comes waltzing back into her life, exposing her lie, and threatening to destroy her friendships and her new-found relationship.

I LOVED On the Fence so I need this book yesterday.

Look for it on May 5th!

What are you guys waiting on this week?  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Top Ten Books on My Spring TBR List!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week's topic is the Top Ten Books I am eagerly awaiting this Spring. Here is my list, some are on the brink of Summer, but I'm in Tennessee - the seasons blur here so anything is up for grabs, right? 

I'm in the middle of Shadow Scale and so far it is so so good! 

I love the sound of Magonia - it seems so original and great! A ship in the sky makes me envision a scene right out of Neverland, but I'm pretty sure this story has even greater things between the pages. 

The Sin Eater's Daughter is one I am eagerly awaiting for!

 AND LOOK AT ILLUSIONARIUM! I loved the author's first novel, this one has been a long time coming! 

Love in the Big Apple? Count me in for City Love

99 Days just seems light, cute and adorable. I am a huge fan of sweet contemporaries and this one promises to hold all of these and more. 

I loved Audrey, Wait so Emmy & Oliver is one I am so, so eager to devour. 

The Cage looks like another original idea which has me immensely intrigued. Human exhibits at a zoo? Bring it on. 

The Rook looks very interesting and with a tagline of "What will be has already been..." it is a definite must read for me! 

I actually just finished The Revenge Playbook last week and must say, it was the perfect contemporary for the Winter time blues. It made Spring feel so close! 

What are you guys waiting for this Spring? 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rebound by Noelle August [Book Review]

Title: Rebound
Author: Noelle August
Release Date: February 10, 2015
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
ISBN: 0062331094 
Source: From Publisher for honest review. 

Hooking up is only the beginning of the fun in this sexy and irresistible second installment of the thrilling New Adult series, Boomerang.Adam Blackwood has it all. At twenty-two, he’s fabulously wealthy, Ryan Gosling-hot and at the top of the heap in the business world. His life is perfect, until a scandal from his past resurfaces and knocks the tech wunderkind down, throwing his company, Boomerang, a hook-up site for millennials, into chaos.
Three years ago, Adam married his high school love—and then lost her in a tragic accident. Now, the heartbreak and guilt he’s tried to bury with work and women begins to take over his life.
Alison Quick, the twenty-one-year-old daughter of a business tycoon—and the very ex-girlfriend of Boomerang’s former intern, Ethan—has a problem of her own. She’s got one chance to prove to her father that she deserves a place in his empire by grabbing control of Boomerang and taking Adam down.
But as Alison moves in on him, armed with a cadre of lawyers and accountants, she discovers there’s much more to Adam and Boomerang than meets the eye. Will earning her father’s approval come at the price of losing her first real love? It appears so, unless Adam can forgive her for wrecking his life and trying to steal his livelihood. But Alison hopes that old adage is right. Maybe love can conquer all.

I loved the first installment to Noelle August's New Adult series, Boomerang, and this one was no disappointment! You can find my review for the first one here.

This installment focuses on the super attractive owner of Boomerang himself, Adam Blackwood and Ethan's mysterious ex-girlfriend, Allison Quick. Both of these individuals we were able to see slightly in the first installment which made their reintroduction that much more anticipated. I felt like I knew them both before the story even began which really made the story that much more entertaining. This sequel could definitely be read as a stand alone novel so unfamiliarity should not keep you from it! Reading Boomerang first is not a necessity.

When I saw that Adam was going to be the boy in this sequel I was very, very excited. I loved him in the first one and a story with him in the forefront was definitely something I was all in for. Allison; however, I was less sure about. In the first book we are given such a different light of her and I wasn't sure how the two views would reconcile, but luckily by the end I loved Allison, maybe even more than our first heroine, Mia.

Adam and Allison's relationship is a bit different than Mia and Ethan's. Adam and Allison both come from pasts which leave them altered emotionally. This makes their story very emotional, and there were times when I felt the pain they were feeling due to their own backgrounds.

This installment also is driven by missteps and miscommunication between characters which make sometimes hilarious situations. Both main characters are playing their own game, and how those two games coexist is often times entertaining and I was genuinely interested from page one until the end.

I really enjoyed the ending as it is both surprising and expected - which will make sense once the novel has been read. There is a moment of power from female characters that made me fist pump the air and it made other aspects I was less sure of come together and make sense.

Allison Quick is a great heroine because she is honest, she doesn't hide her past or make excuses for actions and the honesty remains from the beginning until the end of the novel.

Adam Blackwood is emotionally complex in ways I did not expect, and this really is showcased in this installment, making him a fantastic male protagonist who gives Allison a run for her money.

All in all, I highly recommend this second installment in the Boomerang trilogy! New Adult is quickly becoming a favorite genre of mine and this series really showcases some of the best in that category.

Overall: This book is a great sequel to Boomerang! I loved this second installment as much as the first and am eagerly awaiting Bounce! If you love light feel good reads, this one should be on your list. Don't miss it this Spring!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Follow and Feature Friday!

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Hello! If you're stopping by from the hop I hope you'll stay awhile! Let me know if you follow me and I will be sure to share the favor! 

This week's question is... 

Have you started any features on your blog?

Yes, I have some features that I do on my own, I've never done one for the general public, though I don't mind if people borrow mine! I do the Let's Talk discussions fairly often and have done a Weekly Write feature to keep the world updated on writing worries (when I am writing...). 

My features are tiny though - I do participate in the larger ones as well, Top Ten Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday... and of course Follow Friday! 

If you guys have started any fantastic features let me know! 

Be sure to check out all of my social media, I'm active on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook... you name it  and I'm probably there! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Top Ten Books For Those Who Love Contemporaries!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

While fantasy is probably my favorite genre, contemporary is my go to read. I love contemporary fiction, it is light, fun, and normally all issues get resolved by the end in one nice little bow. 

Fantasy often times takes commitment, there are intense storylines and new worlds to learn which cause dedication on your part as the reader. Contemporary is what I read the most, I love them, I love when they are important and beautiful. They even make me like to cry. 

Contemporaries do odd things to me. 

Here is a list of my best of the best in the contemporary world! 

The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen

We all know that Sarah Dessen's books are my Spirit Animal, and this one is still probably the greatest book I've ever read. It is perfect, or at least that is how it feels to me. The characters all feel real by the time you complete it, and it is this fact which makes me feel the importance of TTAF the most. This is the book I go to when I need to visit old friends. So often in contemporaries characters feel stagnant, bland, and they don't make an impression, but this group leaves an impression and I miss them if I'm away for too long. 

On the Fence by Kasie West

This is a read which actually surprised me last year. It was simple, sweet and I couldn't stop reading it. I think I began it on a Wednesday and finished on Friday - which is a big deal for me because my life is full of busy. I love the friendship between the two main characters and the self discovery they each go through. It is great, you should read it. 

Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

I read this one years ago and it made me ravenous for another Jennifer Echols book. This one was special, the boy was a police officer, the girl just needed that someone special and full on feels ensued. It is a truly great contemporary with a fantastic storyline and characters I still think about. Often with contemporaries the storylines become blurred when you read so many, but this is one of the books I look back on and can still remember every moment. Definitely check it out! 

Sing Me to Sleep by Angela Morrison 

This book is the first to ever make me cry. Seriously, I didn't think that was possible until this book came into my life. It is fantastic, and it is totally better then The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Just sayin. This book deserves more love, though be prepared for waterworks. The story is so sweet, and so perfect that the ride is completely worth it.

Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern

This book is a great book that showcases a different type of diversity. The story of a girl suffering from external/physical disabilities and a boy suffering from OCD, an inner disability really sets the scene for a great story full of memorable moments. This book is definitely worth reading as both subject matters complement each other and each individual lives with their inner troubles in very, very different ways.

17 First Kisses by Rachael Allen

This book also was one which really took me by surprise last year! The characters are fantastic, the story memorable and I loved the way it was told, reflecting on different "kisses" as time went on. It was fantastic, and I just recently finished Rachael Allen's second novel, The Revenge Playbook, which definitely deserves a look at when it comes out this June! Review for that one is coming soon!

The Duff by Kody Keplinger

This book has been getting a lot of attention due to the recent movie. I have not seen the movie yet (AHHHH) but I have heard great things! The book side of the spectrum blew me away back in 2010, and during a recent re-read it was still fantastic! The book does contain some adult material (nothing graphic, teen stuff) which is really the only thing I've heard people be not too fond of. I think The Duff has fantastic character development, great badass characters, and Bianca is pretty much the person I wish I'd had the guts to be in High School. READ IT! 

The Pursuit of Happiness by Tara Altebrando

This book is one which definitely does not have the recognition that it deserves. This book centers around a boy and a girl who work for a historic colonial tourist site, and dress the part daily. All of this while also centering around a tragdey. It is beautiful and each character deals with intense and real emotions in a way which really blew me away. This book deserves to be read, and treasured, and reread again. If you haven't read it, check it out. Now. 


And here are my EIGHT favorite contemporaries! I limited myself to one per author, which means that some of these authors have some other fantastic contemporary reads... so you should just check out all of them. 

What is on your list this week? 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Stacking the Shelves [Weekly Book Haul 3/7]

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews

This week I received some pretty fantastic book mail and ebooks! 

In the Mail for review... 

Ebooks for review... 

I loved The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg, I'm so happy to see a sequel!! 

Bought Ebooks this week... 

Both of these are ebook deals right now. I believe Before I fall is $3 and Princess Academy is $1.60... go get them! 

What did you guys get this week?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Girl Before a Mirror by Liza Palmer [Review + Giveaway]

Title: Girl Before a Mirror
Author: Liza Palmer
Release Date: January 27, 2015
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Source: From publisher for honest review.

The author of Conversations with a Fat Girl—optioned for HBO—returns with the hilarious and heartfelt story of a woman who must learn how to be the heroine of her own life-a journey that will teach her priceless lessons about love, friendship, family, work, and her own heart
An account executive in a Mad Men world, Anna Wyatt is at a crossroads. Recently divorced, she’s done a lot of emotional housecleaning, including a self-imposed dating sabbatical. But now that she’s turned forty, she’s struggling to figure out what her life needs. Brainstorming to win over an important new client, she discovers a self-help book—Be the Heroine, Find Your Hero—that offers her unexpected insights and leads her to a most unlikely place: a romance writers’ conference. If she can sign the Romance Cover Model of the Year Pageant winner for her campaign—and meet the author who has inspired her to take control of her life—she’ll win the account. 
For Anna, taking control means taking chances, including getting to know Sasha, her pretty young colleague on the project, and indulging in a steamy elevator ride with Lincoln Mallory, a dashing financial consultant she meets in the hotel. When the conference ends, Anna and Lincoln must decide if their intense connection is strong enough to survive outside the romantic fantasy they’ve created. Yet Lincoln is only one of Anna’s dilemmas. Now that her campaign is off the ground, others in the office want to steal her success, and her alcoholic brother, Ferdie, is spiraling out of control. 
To have the life she wants-to be happy without guilt, to be accepted for herself, to love and to be loved, to just be—she has to put herself first, accept her imperfections, embrace her passions, and finally be the heroine of her own story.

I am a lover of YA, but as a twenty something college student, job dreamer and future haver, I really enjoy delving into women's literary fiction. It is very nice to know that it is okay to not have everything figured out. Even at 40. Life doesn't always work the way we plan it to and I enjoy a friendly reminder that great fiction is fond at every level and GIRL BEFORE A MIRROR really exceeded my expectations.

When I first saw Girl Before a Mirror, I was immediately intrigued because 1.) I have heard many fantastic things a bout the author and 2.) The Ad Agency life is one I have always been interested in. I wanted to see what Anna's life was like and her story instantly interested me on multiple levels as it seemed to be a story of rediscovery.

The first meeting with our heroine is uplifting, her 40th birthday has just taken place and it becomes clear early on that his new beginning is more than just a personal decisions and new awakening of sorts as she begins to view her new place in life. Early on we learn that it is more than a personal decision or enlightenment, but a choice that was not her own. Anna seems to have taken strength from her emotional state and at the opening of the novel is in a place where she wants to "just be." She expresses this early in the novel and it is an idea that is central to Anna's progression and part of what I liked so much about her. She is used to being everything for everyone, but in the end wants to "just be."

What I really loved about this book was the was the humor and the easy writing style Liza Palmer used. Liza Palmer wrote in a conversational way that made me feel as if I was being told a story. It was fun to read, and I enjoyed seeing Anna's world and veing introduced to her world.

I LOVED the use of the romance "How To" book - "Be the Heroine, Find Your Hero"I wish it was a real book because I am highly interested. I do not think This book seemed to give women the power to "just be" and to gain importance and respect from romantic relationships. I am a feminist, and this book really hit home with female empowerment. Anna uses the book to uplift herself.

While some of the secondary characters got on my nerves a bit, I really enjoyed GIRL BEFORE A MIRROR and will definitely be reading Liza Palmer's other novels quickly.

If you enjoy great writing, a true heroine, and a story of a women empowerment, this book is for you! It definitely comes recommended.

Time for a giveaway! 

Enter to win one of two copies of Girl Before a Mirror by Liza Palmer! 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Top SIX Favorite Books From the Past Three Years

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

These are some of the best books I have read over the past three years! I have actually read quite a few books in that period, so lets see how this goes... 

THE JEWEL and SNOW LIKE ASHES were both titles that blew me away last year. I read many long hours into the night, avoided other responsibilities and just generally could not make myself revisit my life until it was complete. 

I long for reads like the above. They're what keep me going. 

I am ashamed that I have only read Lord of the Rings recently myself. I had them read to me when I was young, but as far as me sitting down and committing, it did not happen until recently. I found a new love for something I've always loved. Funny how that can happen. 

SAY WHAT YOU WILL is another title that was so full of good I couldn't contain it. I laughed, I cried, I wanted more, and when it was over I blew up Cammie McGovern's Twitter and informed her I wanted more.  SAY WHAT YOU WILL is beautifully different and completely worth the read. 

CINDER was a wonderful fairy tale adaption that was different enough to not be like anything else and that was really what made me love it. CYBORGZZ like woah. 

ON THE FENCE is pretty much my definitition of the perfect contemporary. We all know I love Sarah Dessen, and reading this book took me back to high school when I devoured them all. Kasie West is a new author I want to collect, she has some serious talent and ON THE FENCE reminded me of what I love so much about contemporaries... which pretty much includes laughing a lot and feeling all the emotions. 

What are some of the books you loved? 
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