Monday, September 27, 2010

YouTube Monday [1]

Mondays always seem to be a strange day for me, simply because Mondays are my back to school days and they tend to be hectic.

So, to fix this Monday problem I have decided to post a bookish video from YouTube every Monday.

My first video is one of my absolute favorite videos from John and Hank Green, also known as the Vlogbrothers. This video makes me smile every time I watch it. It was made right before Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out and Part 1 of the movie comes out in November, so we need to prepare. If you've never heard of Vlogbrothers or read anything by John Green I recommend you do that pronto.

I hope you love it as much as I do. :)

Let me know what you guys think!

Now, I'm off to do homework. DFTBA.

DFTBA = Don't forget to be awesome.


danya said...

Aw I love this video! I remember when it first came out and was trending on YT :D

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