Friday, October 29, 2010

Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday!!

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books!

This Week's Question:
What is the one bookish thing you would love to have?

My Answer:
I've always wanted a home library with walls lined with shelves, it's kind of a dream thing at this point. The other thing I would love to have is a bit less realistic and that is one of first editions of Harry Potter from its first ever UK printing. They're terribly rare but I think it would be amazing to have one.

Follow Friday is hosted by the awesome Parajunkee at Parajunkee's" View

This Week's Question:
If you have, or think you will ever have a daughter, what book would you want her to read?

My Answer:
There are a lot of books that I would want a future child/daughter of mine to experience. Reading is a huge part of who I am so I would want them to experience the books that made me want to be a reader. I feel like I would read Harry Potter to them from the day they were born. I grew up with Harry, so I would love for them to do the same. The one book though I feel I would have to share would be The Diary of Anne Frank simply because that is the only book me and my mother ever talked about, and Anne's story is just very important to me. Also, she would read Twilight, I would love to hear what she thinks of our Vampires and Werewolves. :)


1. Misha said...

I love your answers to both the questions. Its my dream to have a gothic library. Getting a first edition of Harry Potter does sound amazing!
Harry Potter was the best part of my childhood. The Diary of Anne Frank is a must read , I agree.
I am an old follower
My Hop

2. A Story Untold said...

Hello!Stopping by from FF, I am now a follower!

Have a great weekend :)

Giota | Just Another Book Blog

3. Jen Bigheart said...

Hopping by! Good book choices. I think Harry Potter is high on a lot of ppl's list!

Hope you come by and see my answer!

4. Jeremy said...

I'm doing my rounds for the Blog Hop and Follow Friday so I'm stopping to say say hello. :) I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

5. Lauren M said...

Hiya, just hopping by~!

I would also love to have my own library. Owning the first edition of Harry Potter would be really neat, I agree!

Lauren | 365 Days of Reading

6. Tara said...

I would LOVE a first edition Harry Potter!!!

7. Madigan Mirza said...

Gah! I had a copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, signed (not a first edition) and I sold it. What can I say, I was young and poor, and it paid for a whole month's rent! I wish I could have it back, but at the time, it seemed like a lot of money to me. *shrug*

8. Unknown said...

Hopping by from the Book Blogger Hop! I'm also a new follower!

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween!

9. Casey (The Bookish Type) said...

I love your answers! I was all for the library until you mentioned the first edition HPs and now I don't know which would be awesomest! That's a toughie. And of course every child must read Harry Potter!!

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