Monday, October 11, 2010

Big Nate Strikes Again by Lincoln Peirce [Review]

Big Nate is back! And he WILL surpass all others!

But it wont be easy. He's stuck with Gina, his all time enemy, who just might ruin everything!

Will Nate win or lose? Pass or fail? Or end up in detention . . . again?


From publisher for review.


I was a bit hesitant to start Big Nate Strikes Again simply because I had never read anything like it before and it was a second in a series, but when I found myself in a light and fun type of mood I picked it up, and I'm very glad I did!

Big Nate Strikes Again was adorable (though I'm sure Nate would be quite offended at me saying so) it was fun and there were several occasions where I laughed out loud, which never happens when I'm reading.

I loved the cartoons and found some of them actually quite educational and Nate's take on Benjamin Franklin I found to be hilarious. Nate's entire personality I just couldn't get enough of because he reminded me of every single boy I knew in the sixth grade.

I wish I had a younger brother or sister to pass this book onto, Nate would have gotten me through some pickles in Middle School, and if nothing else he would have made me laugh!

It was a very quick read but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

I can't wait to see what happens to Nate next!


1. Lori said...

This sounds like a lot of fun!!

2. BookChic said...

I can't wait to read both of these books. I've loved the Big Nate comic strip for years and love that this new series is coming out. Great review!!

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