Sunday, October 31, 2010

NaNoWriMo is Almost Here!

Nano starts tonight at midnight and I am so excited!

Nano will probably effect my blogging a bit, but I'm waking up an extra hour earlier every morning to write and I have some posts scheduled so if it works out right you won't even notice I'm gone. :)

If I start not replying to emails as often you know where I am.

If you want to add me as a writing buddy my name is I'm amazingly original when thinking up usernames.

I will be doing Nano updates throughout the month, probably letting you guys no how much I am failing, but hopefully I will make it.
50,000 words in 30 days here I come!


1. Ray said...

I'm 25 minutes away from Midnight!! I'm gonna try and write a good chunk of my first chapter before going to sleep but who knows how things will go?
I'm tempted to prise the backspace key off my keyboard but I'd rather not vandalise my laptop :P
Good luck for your NaNo - Think Positive! :D

2. ivanova said...

I'm doing NaNo too. I'm going to try to get something done tonight after midnight. I like that tonight is Nov 1, I feel like an extra day has been added to NaNo. Good luck!!

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