Sunday, October 31, 2010
NaNoWriMo is Almost Here!

Saturday, October 30, 2010
What I Wish Was In My Mailbox!
In other words, these are the books that would make me do a happy dance in my driveway if I got them.

I'm a huge space fan meaning that Star Wars/Star Trek really make me happy. I'm actually wearing my Star Trek shirt right now so a YA set in space? Yes, Please!
I really think this may be the most gorgeous cover I have ever seen and the story sounds super interesting as well. Can't wait for this one!

I LOVE SARAH DESSEN! Sorry for the caps, but I feel they were necessary. Her books really got me into YA and I'm so excited for her newest one I don't know what to do. Her release dates always feel like another holiday to me.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Secondhand Charm by Julie Berry [Review]

Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Children's Books
Source: Publisher.
My Rating: 4.5 Keys.
In a secluded village, magic sparkles on the edges of the forest. There, a young girl named Evie possesses unusually strong powers as a healer. A gypsy's charms-no more than trinkets when worn by others-are remarkably potent when Evie ties them around her neck. Her talents, and charms, have not escaped the notice of the shy stonemason's apprentice. But Evie wants more than a quiet village and the boy next-door. When the young king's carriage arrives one day, and his footman has fallen ill, Evie might just get her chance after all . . . Berry's debut novel garnered glowing reviews and strong sales-and now she's done it again with a beautifully woven tale to keep all readers, young and old, absolutely charmed.
I've been thinking all day about how exactly to describe this book, but when it comes right down to it, I honestly don't know how. It has so many different aspects and so many things going for it I just don't know of the word that explains it perfectly. I almost want to call it an adventure because with each page came another twist I wasn't expecting. I literally had no idea what would happen next and I loved it that way.
It has been a while since a book has stumped me, normally I can kind of figure out what is going to happen and really guess the plot just based on the summary but that wasn't the case for Secondhand Charm, it constantly surprised me.
This book is perfect for those who love a good fairy tale because essentially that is what it reads like. It reminds me of the fairy tales I read when I was younger and it's great to see fairy tales aren't dying - even if we all are focused on the horror aspect of them these days with Vampires, Werewolves, etc..

Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday!!

This Week's Question:
My Answer:
I've always wanted a home library with walls lined with shelves, it's kind of a dream thing at this point. The other thing I would love to have is a bit less realistic and that is one of first editions of Harry Potter from its first ever UK printing. They're terribly rare but I think it would be amazing to have one.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Have You Heard About My Giveaway?!
I announced two months ago that I was giving away an ARC of Siren and a signed The Body Finder bookmark, so if you have not entered this is your chance before the giveaway ends on Tuesday!
Here's what you can win:
If you would like to enter, just fill out this form. US readers only, sorry International readers.
I've had this contest going for forever so I can't wait to see who wins. :)
Waiting On Wednesday!

I really think 2011 might be the best year for books I have ever seen.
What are you waiting on this week?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Author Signing: Scott Westerfeld Edition!
I'd had next to no sleep the night before, and when I was driving to meet them I actually thought I might not make it the entire night, but as soon as I got in the car the power of books made me sane again! That or it could have just been the coffee.
Scott was very fun and he went into depth on how he got the idea for the Uglies series which in turn really made me want to read them. He answered a lot of questions and I was surprised by how in depth he went into his answers, normally you get asked the same questions so many times it's just a rambling off of facts but it never felt like that when he was talking and I loved it!
He talked a lot about Leviathan and the reason why there were illustrations and he really made me want to read it ASAP, which is perfect because that's what I bought there!
His wife Justine Larbalestier (Liar, edited Zombies Vs. Unicorns) was there and she also signed some books including Zombies Vs. Unicorns for Lori.
I definitely recommend going and seeing him if he's coming anywhere near you! I promise you won't regret it!
*I don't know why this posted twice, but I deleted the other one. Sorry!*
Monday, October 25, 2010
Tweet Heart by Elizabeth Rudnick [Review]

Claire can’t believe it when her dream guy starts following her on Twitter. She never thought he noticed her, and suddenly he seems to understand her better than almost anyone.
But the Twitterverse can be a confusing place, especially when friends act differently online than they do in person. Things get even more complicated when Claire realizes she’s falling for someone else, the last person she ever would have expected….
Told in an innovative format combining tweets, emails, and blogs, Tweet Heart is a contemporary romantic comedy that will set your heart atwitter.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
In My Mailbox!
This week I got...
Huge thanks to Lori from Pure Imagination for letting me borrow Matched and Lauren Bratz-Logsted for The Twin's Daughter. :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday!!

What is your favorite place to read?
My Answer:
I love reading outside, but I don't really have one specific place where I just relax and read. I like being amidst chaos in a way so I enjoy reading in coffee shops and places like that, I feel it makes me concentrate, but normally I just read in my bed.

Comments are my form of happy. :)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Waiting On Wednesday!

I loved Infinite Days and I'm super excited for the next in the series!
What are you waiting on?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I Must Be Crazy... NaNoWriMo 2010!

So, I have my writing music all ready and because I find this song strangely inspirational for writing here it is!
Yes, I know it's about writing music, but work with me here. I find it inspirational, and perfect for NaNoWriMo.
I might post my in depth writing playlist later because it is full of emotion and awesome, but this is my pep song and maybe it will help some of my fellow Wrimos this year!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thank You!

P.S. * My computer likes to schedule things two times, no idea why, so sorry if you saw this twice!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
In My Mailbox
This week I got...
This week was awesome! I've already read Delirium and it was amazing, and I got a great deal on Somebody Everybody Listens To ($3.97!).
What did you get this week?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday!!

My Answer:

Comments are my form of happy. :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What I Want To See In YA.
These are in no particular order.
1.) I want more fantasy! For those of you who know me, you know that I am OBSESSED with fantasy and I want more epic fantasy in YA. Fantasy with everything. Romance, quests, hidden things, I just want fantasy, you know, with maps and everything!
2.) Good guys, not just bad boys. I see the bad guy trend everywhere and I like it in a way because I think it's just girls nature to want the bad boy, but honestly nice guys are just better. You're not gonna change him, sweetie, so go with the good guy. I mean Edward was a nice guy but even he doesn't really qualify because of the whole throat ripping thing.
I just want more nice non throat ripping romances in YA.
3.) More Southern settings! The south is awesome, and quaint and I love it. I want YA to love it too. It was so awesome when I read The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller and it was partly in the south, I just want mountains and trees and creeks and accents! Come to the south some Ya'll!
4.) More foreign settings. I want more traveling books with awesome settings. 13 Little Blue Envelopes style. I just love actually feeling like I'm seeing these places.
5.) More strong female protags! Nothing makes me happier than really strong female protagonists and there are a lot more than there used to be in YA, but I just love them so much I'm putting them on the list. In the style of Yelena from Poison Study, because she's probably my favorite strong female, I want more!
6.) More historical! I love historicals, particularly regencies and I would LOVE to see some more historical in YA. It's one of my favorite genres and I feel that is something we don't see too much unfortunately.
Okay, that's my short list of things I would LOVE to see in YA. Any I missed that you want to see? Let me know!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Waiting On Wednesday!

With diversions ranging from archery in the park to dazzling balls and hints of forbidden romance, Victorian Baltimore is more exciting than Amelia imagined. But her gaiety is interrupted by disturbing, dreamlike visions she has only at sunset—visions that offer glimpses of the future. Soon, friends and strangers alike call on Amelia to hear her prophecies. Newly dubbed "Maine’s Own Mystic", Amelia is suddenly quite in demand.
However, her attraction to Nathaniel, an artist who is decidedly outside of Zora's circle, threatens the new life Amelia is building in Baltimore. This enigmatic young man is keeping secrets of his own—still, Amelia finds herself irrepressibly drawn to him. And while she has no trouble seeing the futures of others, she cannot predict whether Nathaniel will remain in hers.
When one of her darkest visions comes to pass, Amelia's world is thrown into chaos. And those around her begin to wonder if she’s not the seer of dark portents, but the cause.
Historical fiction? I WANT it! I just love the cover and I really enjoyed Shadowed Summer. I. Can't. Wait.

Monday, October 11, 2010
Big Nate Strikes Again by Lincoln Peirce [Review]

Big Nate is back! And he WILL surpass all others!
But it wont be easy. He's stuck with Gina, his all time enemy, who just might ruin everything!
Will Nate win or lose? Pass or fail? Or end up in detention . . . again?

From publisher for review.
I was a bit hesitant to start Big Nate Strikes Again simply because I had never read anything like it before and it was a second in a series, but when I found myself in a light and fun type of mood I picked it up, and I'm very glad I did!
Big Nate Strikes Again was adorable (though I'm sure Nate would be quite offended at me saying so) it was fun and there were several occasions where I laughed out loud, which never happens when I'm reading.
I loved the cartoons and found some of them actually quite educational and Nate's take on Benjamin Franklin I found to be hilarious. Nate's entire personality I just couldn't get enough of because he reminded me of every single boy I knew in the sixth grade.
I wish I had a younger brother or sister to pass this book onto, Nate would have gotten me through some pickles in Middle School, and if nothing else he would have made me laugh!
It was a very quick read but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.
I can't wait to see what happens to Nate next!

Sunday, October 10, 2010
[Review] The Body at the Tower by Y.S. Lee


I can't express enough my love for this series! This second book in The Agency series is no less fascinating than the first and I am in need of the next book in this series!
Mary is such an excellent protagonist and she just became more interesting in this book. I love everything about Mary and in this book we see her having to face and accept aspects of herself and her over all identity. Mary has strength, I can't even imagine doing half of the things she does.
Y.S. Lee is the only writer who has ever just completely stumped me and I thought that maybe in this book I would be able to figure it out... but of course I was wrong. This is a mystery in every sense, and her plot is perfect. I never had any inkling of what was going to happen, I thought I might several times, but of course, I was wrong.
Now, to my favorite aspect of the series...
For those of you who have noticed James Easton is a very prominent member of my Literary Crushes list and for good reason because James is just amazing and I adore him. He's gotten even better with this book and I was so happy to see James and Mary's relationship change... kinda. Maybe? I have no idea. Ms. Lee, you have me stumped, but I love it and I can't wait to see what happens.
If you haven't read this series yet, what on earth are you waiting for? These books will make you love historical fiction, go read them!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
In My Mailbox!
Friday, October 8, 2010
What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen [Cover]
What Happened to Goodbye is about a high school senior who, after her parents’ divorce, has taken up the practice of assuming a new identity in each of the four towns she’s lived in.
It's due out May 10th!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday!!

What is your favorite beverage while reading or blogging?
My Answer:

Comments are my form of happy. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Waiting On Wednesday!
Azalea and her younger sisters dance in the mysterious silver forest every night, escaping from the sadness of the palace and their father’s grief. What they don’t understand—although as time passes they begin to get an inkling of the danger they are in—is that the mysterious and dashing Keeper is tightening his snare with deadly purpose. Luckily, Azalea is brave and steadfast. Luckily, a handsome young army captain also has his eye on Azalea. . . . Lush, romantic, and compelling, this debut novel by Heather Dixon will thrill fans of Shannon Hale, Robin McKinley, and Edith Pattou.
*So... maybe this week's pick is based on the cover, but the summary sounds awesome too! I really do think this cover may be my favorite ever though. Just look at that castle in the background! *
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins [Review]

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before—and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that will weigh survival against humanity and life against love

Source: Bought.
I know I am the last person on the planet to read this book, but I finally understand what everyone was talking about.
It was amazing, so amazing I wanted to skip school and finish reading it, but of course the responsible part of me wouldn't let that happen.
I was surprised by how quickly I got caught up in the world. Katniss is a great and powerful protagonist. She just radiated with strength from the very first chapter and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I just loved her life, not in the sense that it was perfect or easy at all, but because of how she dealt with the things that were thrown at her and how she instead of accepting her life as what it could have been, went and changed it.
I can't express enough my love for Peeta. I am in love with Peeta. He was so sweet and kind and just the perfect awesome guy. I don't know too much about Gale from the first book but I sense him being the bad guy to Peeta's nice... but I don't believe nice guys finish last.
I love this concept and the more I read Dystopian the more I really adore it. I was late to the Dystopian trend but I just keep finding more amazing reads within it and I must say I aprove thoroughly and if anyone has any other amazing Dystopian recommendations I am more than willing to hear them.
I love The Hunger Games and I'm so glad I listened to everyone when they told me to read it.
Can't wait to read the rest of the series!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
In My Mailbox!
It was a Hunger Games week.

I swear I have the worst internet connection on the planet. It took two hours of me connecting and disconnecting for me to post this. Most. Annoying. Thing. Ever. :(
Psssst, if you look real close you can see the bottom of my Dumbledore's Army poster!
So, what did you get this week?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tag! I'm It!
So I was super excited when Heather from Buried In Books tagged me in a virtual game of tag, though not quite as epic as flashlight tag outside - it is still pretty great.
Here are my questions!
If you could have a superpower, what would you have? Why?
- A super power eh? I always wanted to be able to read minds. I know what you're thinking, "Oh how very Edward Cullen of you..." Well, just so you know, I would want to be able to turn off my mind reading powers so there. Totally different from Mr. Cullen.
Who is your style icon?
- Definitely Audrey Hepburn. Not in the sense that I dress like her constantly, but she just has this class that I admire, and she's my favorite actress. She was a really great person in real life as well so I just over all admire her, not just for her style but for everything.
- My senior quote was,"The shadow proves the sunshine." - Switchfoot, but I think my favorite quote of all time is probably, "When the world says, 'Give up,' Hope whispers,'Just one more try.'" I just like it. A lot. I try to live by it.
What is the best compliment you've ever received?
- "Your blog so totally freakin rocks dude!" Actually, I've never been told that, but I have had a lot of really nice comments and emails about the blog and those always make me smile.
What playlist/cd is on your ipod/cd player right now?
- I have a writing playlist I listen to constantly which primarily consists of Snow Patrol. Other than that I listen to The Beatles constantly and have recently really gotten into OneRepublic.
Are you a night owl or a morning person?
- Definitely a night person. I wake up early every morning for school, even the days I don't have to be there until 12 I always have to be up by eight to do everything, so when the weekend comes around I really think I end up sleeping 17 hours on Saturdays. It's just against my nature to go to bed before 1 or 2, and I hardly ever do throughout the week, so that makes for a very sleepy Christina.
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
- I'm really just an animal lover but I have a very soft spot for dogs. I have two right now and they're my babies. They're two Boston Terriers, one which I have had since I was 7 and she has literally been there with me through everything. I also have a cat who I adore, and I used to have a rabbit named Jack Sparrow, so I really have all the bases covered as far as animals go.
What is the meaning behind your blog name?
- I thought of my blog name in like two seconds and if we're being completely honest here, I don't know how I feel about it now. For a while I really wished I had done something like, "Christina's Bookshelf" or something normal but I've grown very fond of my blog name recently. It really describes me quite well. In high school I was known to always be reading, and books really were my life - and still are. I mean, I want to be involved with books for the rest of my life, so I think it fits.
I know it is completely lame, but I am giving this to everyone who wants it. I don't think it's fair for me to pile on more things for bloggers to do who already have a ton. So, if you want to do this and be tagged, do it, and leave me a comment with your link so I can see what you say. :)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Book Blogger Hop + Follow Friday!
How do you spread the word about your site?
My Answer:
Ummm.... *Looks away*
I don't know. I actually have an issue with spreading the word because I always feel so bad doing it. I don't want to seem like, "Hey! Look at me! I'm over here!! I have reviews! Come look!"
That's what I don't want and sometimes, I feel like that's what I'm doing. I don't feel I really do a good job at spreading the word if that's what I am doing, I mean it was more than a year before I had 100 followers.
Primarily though I have now started posting on Twitter and I do Blog Hop and Follow Friday. That's how I spread the word right now. I'm sure there are a ton of people who spread the word wonderfully, but I like to sit back and hide in the corner. I love followers, and I love comments and discussions, but I'm constantly afraid any type of promotion I do could be Spam... and I despise Spam.

Comments are my form of happy. :)