Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10 Wishes The Book Genie Should Grant Me

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

1.) Please go through my shelves and clean them out for me. 

I wish I had a book genie that could go through all of the stacks and stacks that I have and clean them up for me. Seriously, I need someone to decide what I'm going to let lay there forever and what I'll actually read. Who better to do that than a book genie who can see my future? (Because they so would see into the future, too) 

2.) Give me the power of speed reading! 

Or at least, allow me to read more than a few pages without dozing off. It isn't the book's fault. It's my exhausting life's fault. If I had the power of speed reading I would be able to read everything I needed to in those few minutes. 

Life would be grand. 

3.) I want a sequel to Gone With the Wind. 

I wish Margaret Mitchell wasn't hit by that carriage/car, as I am sure she would have written something else. Anything else. It doesn't even have to be a sequel. I just want some more Mitchell. 

4.) I wish I could visit the worlds that I love. 

The book genie would definitely be able to transport me into bookish worlds that I love. Each book I have would also have a portal for boring nights and endless adventures. 

5.) I want all the beautiful leather books. 

I want them to line my shelves and make me look super sophisticated. 

6.) I want books that are water proof. 

I want to read in the shower. And in the ocean. And in the pool. And the rain. I also want the paper pages not to puff out if they get a wee bit damp. 

7.) I want endless and rotating book shelves. 

I want neverending book shelves that rotate to allow me what I want, when I want it. Think the Clueless closet but with BOOKS! 

8.) I want to be able to write something great. 

The book genie can help me create books, right? 

9.) I want the Book genie to give me endless wishes. 

This is probably obvious, but I want to keep the book genie forever. 

10.) Paper cuts are a thing of the past. 

I love my Kindle, but even paper books should be free of danger filled finger slice action. 

What would your genie grant you? 


Lover Of Romance said...

I would love it if all the books I had were leather bound as well. I love the look of them.

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