Sunday, August 29, 2010

In My Mailbox- Week of July 29th

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi aka
The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea at Pop Culture Junkie!

This week I got...

I won this from Random Buzzers and I'm so excited to read it!

Also, sorry my posts have been so strange the past few days. I start college Monday so I've been trying to get that all sorted out, but wish me luck and expect my review for the Eternal Ones on Monday!

What did you get this week?


1. Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

i really want to read this one!! enjoy!

2. Savannah said...

Sounds like a great book :) Enjoy!

3. Misha said...

You've got great books ! Hope you enjoy reading them
Here's what I got In My Mailbox

4. kirsty at the overflowing library said...

looks interesting!

5. Christina / Book Addict said...

This book looks really cute. Congrats on your win! Good luck with college! :)

6. Nina said...

Still a great book you got in the mail! ;)
Enjoy this week and good luck at school.

7. Dwayne said...

Oh, I got Aces Up too! Can't wait to read it - enjoy! :)

8. Amber said...

I bet that;s going to be a great book. I loved Two Way street. Good luck getting things organized before college!
My Mailbox

9. Holly said...

I can't wait to read Aces Up, it looks awesome!

10. Belinda said...

Looks like an interesting book just from looking at the cover. Hope you enjoy it :D

11. Unknown said...

Yay! Congrats!

I won Aces Up too :)

Happy reading!

12. pussreboots said...

Enjoy your book. Here's what I received.

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