Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday!

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, and it's purpose is to spotlight those titles we can't wait for!

After I saw Lori's vlog over at Pure Imagination this book was instantly moved up to a must read of 2011. I can't wait!!

Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love -the deliria- blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the governments demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.

But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love.

What are you waiting on?


1. Katie said...

I can't wait for Delirium either!! I read Lauren Oliver's other book, Before I Fall earlier this year and loved it! When I heard about this one and read the description I was so excited!

2. Christina said...

I have yet to read Before I Fall! I really need and I definitely will very soon.

3. The Library Lurker said...

I just finished this book like two seconds ago, and trust me, you SHOULD be waiting on it! It's amazing!

4. Literary Cravings said...

Great pick!! Can't wait to read myself!!

5. Darlyn said...

That is a great pick! While I not read Before I Fall yet, this one is absolutely on top of my list =)

here's mine;

6. kirsty at the overflowing library said...

i can't wait for this either - looks awesome

7. Anne said...

What a story! This will go on the top my list. Until February 2011 then Delirium! =)

8. Jan von Harz said...

Definitely excited about this one too. After the Fall was such a big hit I am hoping for more great things from Oliver

9. Katie said...

This sounds good! Mine is over at It's Time to Read

10. Lori said...

This book NEEDS to be on the top of everyone's must read list! :D Thanks for the link love!

11. Shan said...

Wow, I haven't heard of this one before but I'll definitely be checking it out!

12. Nat said...

Oooo, this one sounds great! I haven't read this author yet but plan to soon!

13. Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I've been hearing about this one. It definitely sounds like a must-read.

Here's mine:

14. Gaby G said...

Oh yes, this book sounds good!

15. joyh82 said...

This sounds pretty intersting and I haven't read this author yet. Always looking for new authors.
Have a great week reading!

16. Alayne said...

Nice pick! The cover is kind of cool. My picks are at The Crowded Leaf.

17. Colleen said...

This looks like such a great read!

18. Nina said...

I recently purchased Before I Fall, haven't read it yet, but based on all the reviews I've been reading it must be awesome. Now this cover looks wonderful and the description is as well, I believe it's going to be another hit. :)

19. audreygeddes said...

That's an interesting twist. I'll have to check this one out. Thanks for sharing this! The book that I am looking forward to is a non-fiction read by author Chris St. Hilaire called, "27 Powers of Persuasion." It comes out in September and I can't wait. The author addresses how to assess your own ego and make your weaknesses your strengths while at the same time showing you the most effective way to deal with opposition. My kind of book!

20. Jessica N. said...

Fabulous pick! This is on my radar as well and I can't wait to read it!


21. Andrea said...

I am reading this right now!!! I had high hopes for Before I Fall but it was only okay for me. But this one is great so far!!

22. Unknown said...

I got an advance copy of 27 Powers of Persuasion. It's the best non-fiction book on being persuasive I've read. Unlike many books by professors in the field, this one's from a practioner and it's terrific.

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