Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday!

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted at Breaking the Spine! 

 The Fall 
by Bethany Griffin
 Release Date: October 7, 2014

Madeline Usher is doomed.

She has spent her life fighting fate, and she thought she was succeeding. Until she woke up in a coffin.

Ushers die young. Ushers are cursed. Ushers can never leave their house, a house that haunts and is haunted, a house that almost seems to have a mind of its own. Madeline’s life—revealed through short bursts of memory—has hinged around her desperate plan to escape, to save herself and her brother. Her only chance lies in destroying the house.

In the end, can Madeline keep her own sanity and bring the house down? The Fall is a literary psychological thriller, reimagining Edgar Allan Poe’s classic The Fall of the House of Usher.

This one sounds like the perfect level of creepy! I've always been a fan of The Fall of te House of Usher, so I'm really interested to see what this one is like. 

What are you guys waiting on this week?


1. Unknown said...

Yess! Haven't read her other series, but damn this one sounds good. And I do like creepy. ;)

Here's mine

Kirsty @ StudioReads

2. Anonymous said...

I'm really excited about this book as well. It sounds creepy and that cover is gorgeous!
Great pick!

Nick - My WoW

3. Shane @ItchingforBooks said...

This is a popular one today. Great pick! Love the creepy vibe!

Happy Wednesday!

Shane @ Itching for Books

4. Nemo Rosa said...

That cover is CREEPY. I love it :) I hadn't heard about it but it looks good!

Nemo @ Blame it on the Book

5. Grace Fonseca said...

The Fall has a creepy cover. I really like the summary as well. Great pick.

Grace @ Books of Love

6. Micheline said...

Being a huge Poe lover, I'm definitely looking forward to this one as well! I hope it delivers :) Awesome pick, hope you get your hands on it a.s.a.p.

7. Anonymous said...

Creepy, I love creepy :D

My WoW

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