Monday, July 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish

I have a lot of books. I mean, a lot of books. Obviously, there are authors that I love and of course, I own all of there books because I have to. Here are some of the most noteworthy. 

1. Tim LayHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins

When I was a child my father read all of The Left Behind series by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye. It was super popular back in the day and I wanted to be exactly like my father - so I read the kids version. 
These are shorter books ranging in length from 150-300 pages, but there are 40 of them. 


I own 40/40 and have read 40/40. 

2. Georgette Heyer 

I own 10 Georgette Heyer romances. I have only read 1/10, but there was a great deal at a yard sale
once of many of her hardbacks and I'd heard many good things. Now I have a ton.

No regrets.

3. J.K. Rowling

I own 9 books by J.K. Rowling. The 7 H.P. books, Beadle the Bard, and The Casual Vacancy. 
I've read 8/9. 

4. Jane Austen

I own all of Jane Austen's novels, because who doesn't? I have 7 books, 9 if you count the partial ones. I've read 7/7. 

5. Richelle Mead

The Vampire Academy used to be my obsession. I really need to re-read them, but all in all I own 7 books by Richelle Mead. I have read 6/7. 

6. Neil Gaiman

I love me some Neil Gaiman. He is amazing, and I think he might be an alien because hello, who else would be able to be THAT diverse? 

I own 7 Neil Gaiman books and I have read 6/7. 

7. G.R.R. Martin

I own 5 G.R.R. Martin books. All of which belong to A Song of Ice and Fire. I have read 4/5. 

 And that is all that seems significant! 


1. Nicole said...

40 books by one author! That is amazing! I can't imagine anyone topping that hah. And I own the J. K. Rowling series myself but I still want a pretty box set! My SoIaF collection is on Kindle so I didn't include it in my list! Very impressive list!

Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

2. Anonymous said...

I really want to get into Neil Gaiman, I have heard nothing but good things. Thanks for sharing :)

3. Justin941 said...

I've seen quite a few people posting classic authors on their list. I personally don't own many classics, aside from some of the Barnes and Noble leather bound edition classics. I really enjoyed your list! :)

Here is my TTT

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