I have the huge pleasure of introducing you all to one of the prettiest covers I have seen all year.
Will the Real Prince Charming Please Stand Up?
Release Date: July 1, 2014
Right fairy tale. Wrong guy.
Happily Ever After only happens with the right guy. It's a tiny but important detail most fairy tales choose to leave out. But what happens when the princess rides off into the sunset with Prince Charming, only to discover he's not so charming, after all?
Bianca Sullivan thinks she's a pretty average girl. Sure, her brother may be the super-stud captain of the football team, but that's her only claim to fame –- until her friends' social experiment turns her into the new It girl of the Sophomore class, and she captures the attention of the most popular guy in her grade. Ecstatic to introduce the world to her first boyfriend, she's trying to enjoy being wooed by the ultimate heartthrob. But no one's ever told her what to do when her friends hate her boyfriend and Prince Charming starts acting like a control-freaky misogynist. And as if deciding whether to trust Prince Charming, her friends, or her own instincts wasn't hard enough, being around her brother's best friend is making her head all fuzzy, too. Oh, if only love was as simple as fairy tales make it out to be....
I will be posting the review for this one in July and it seems like the perfect summer read! I'm loving my contemporaries this year and be on the lookout for this one on your e-readers!
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