Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday

 Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine

It's fantasy. Of course I'm going to want it! 

The Queen of the Tearling is due out July 8th!

On her nineteenth birthday, Princess Kelsea Raleigh Glynn, raised in exile, sets out on a perilous journey back to the castle of her birth to ascend her rightful throne. Plain and serious, a girl who loves books and learning, Kelsea bears little resemblance to her mother, the vain and frivolous Queen Elyssa. But though she may be inexperienced and sheltered, Kelsea is not defenseless: Around her neck hangs the Tearling sapphire, a jewel of immense magical power; and accompanying her is the Queen’s Guard, a cadre of brave knights led by the enigmatic and dedicated Lazarus. Kelsea will need them all to survive a cabal of enemies who will use every weapon—from crimson-caped assassins to the darkest blood magic—to prevent her from wearing the crown.

Despite her royal blood, Kelsea feels like nothing so much as an insecure girl, a child called upon to lead a people and a kingdom about which she knows almost nothing. But what she discovers in the capital will change everything, confronting her with horrors she never imagined. An act of singular daring will throw Kelsea’s kingdom into tumult, unleashing the vengeance of the tyrannical ruler of neighboring Mortmesne: the Red Queen, a sorceress possessed of the darkest magic. Now Kelsea will begin to discover whom among the servants, aristocracy, and her own guard she can trust.

But the quest to save her kingdom and meet her destiny has only just begun—a wondrous journey of self-discovery and a trial by fire that will make her a legend…if she can survive.

The Queen of the Tearling introduces readers to a world as fully imagined and terrifying as that of The Hunger Games, with characters as vivid and intriguing as those of The Game of Thrones, and a wholly original heroine. Combining thrilling action and twisting plot turns, it is a magnificent debut from the talented Erika Johansen.

 What are you guys waiting on? 


1. Alina P said...

I am curious to see if I like this one, it seems it's either a love it or a hate it book

2. Milka said...

I am curious to read more reviews for this one because it seems some love it and some completely hate it.
Great pick - thanks for sharing :)

3. Shane @ItchingforBooks said...

Ooh intriguing. Great pick. Hope we both read this soon :)

Happy Wednesday!

Shane @ Itching for Books

4. Unknown said...

Everybody seems to be really looking forward to this one, don't know if it's my type of read, but want to try it at least and see. :)

Here's mine

Kirsty @ StudioReads

5. Unknown said...

Interesting sounding for sure! Great pick.

Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

6. Nemo Rosa said...

I hadn't heard about this one, but the more i hear about it the more I like it, great pick! :)

Here's mine

7. Grace Fonseca said...

I have heard really good things about this one. it's got a lot of good buzz surrounding it. I might actually buy it when it comes out. Good WOW pick.

books of love

8. Adina said...

Great pick :) I've heard some good things and am really looking forward to The Queen of the Tearling too.

9. Micheline said...

YES ^^ I featured this one as my WoW pick a few weeks back - it looks INCREDIBLE! I can not wait to get my hands on it!! I heard some lucky bloggers got a copy at BEA but I must have missed it :'( Awesome pick ^^

Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

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