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Also, if you would like to see my review for Sing Me to Sleep click here. :)
Beauty has never liked her nickname. She is thin and awkward; it is her two sisters who are beautiful. But what she lacks in looks she can perhaps make up for in courage. When her father comes home with the tale of an enchanted castle in the forest and the terrible promise he had to make to the Beast who lives there, Beauty declares she must go to the castle, a prisoner of her own free will.*I've wanted this book for years, I didn't like the hero and the Crown by Robin Mckinley, but Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale so I have much hope for this.
When I started this book I wasn't sure what to expect, from the cover I thought it was definitely a middle grade book so I wasn't sure how I would like it as I haven't read a middle grade book since probably elementary school. I wasn't sure if I would still enjoy them, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I like the idea of the theater changing her - I've always been one who found the arts and fun things helpful in getting out there.
This book very much so reminded me of my middle school/early high school years. I suffered from a disease called confusion and I'm not saying Mia suffers from this but I feel like everyone at this age is confused to some degree about life and just the way the world seems to work.
Early high school is really the first taste of the world in some ways as Elementary school you're still a kid, and you act like a kid, and Middle school is full of the awkward growing into yourself years. Early high school however is full of you beginning to become yourself and that's what I really enjoyed being reminded of in this book.
I would recommend it to you if perhaps you have a younger brother or sister, or if you just want to relive that part of your life and have some fun along the way.
From Me:
This book reminded me of all of the dreams little girls have when they're eight and nine years old, except with vampires. You know, you day dream that a handsome prince will come tell you you're a princess - it's just what we do. It's a right of passage and I felt reading this book that I was getting a piece of that again.
We had a unsuspecting, and unwilling princess who would rather have the joys of a normal senior year than deal with the vampire world and what they expect from her. I love that she was unwilling, it's different from some books I have read recently where the main character learns this big secret and doesn't seem to suffer at all from the change, this was much more realistic and I loved that aspect.
I didn't know how I felt about Lucius' arogance at first. I know he was royalty and not used to our world but jeez... I felt like I didn't really know Lucius until halfway through the book, but once I did understand him he felt so complex to me.
I like that most of the book was set in America without vampires. I feel like in so many vampire books it's like - "oh you're a vampire, come be apart of us!" and then they wisk you off somewhere. This wasn't the case as Lucius was the only Vampire involved really for most of the book.
If you haven't read this book, I would recommend you read it. I really like Beth Fantaskey's writing style, and Jeckyl Loves Hyde is just as amazing.
I give it an 9.5/10.