Sunday, March 29, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Recently Added to My To Be Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is all about books that have recently been added to my To Be Read pile... as if that wasn't already large enough. 

Here they are, some new, some old. 

What are some of your recent additions? 


1. Gaby G said...

The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom!! I remember seeing that book at another blog years ago and then I couldn't remember the name LOL

2. Joy said...

Emmy and Oliver has been one that I've coveted for a while now. I hope you'll enjoy these when you get to read them. ;)

3. Micheline said...

I also (somewhat) recently added Outlander to my tbr shelf! I was actually gifted the first three in the series over the Holidays, hopefully we can both get to it soon :) Awesome selection here, here's my TTT post this week!

Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

4. Barb said...

I think Outlander will still be on my TBR this time next year. I really want to read it, and love long books, but just haven't been in the right kind of mood for it lately. I have had my eye on Rook as well. You can see my list at

5. Unknown said...

I'm so excited for The Cage! I can't wait to read A Cold Legacy, and I have super high hopes! New follower!

Lizzie @

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