Monday, March 24, 2014

New Looks for Old Books [1]

 This is a post that I have been wanting to do for awhile, I personally love seeing books get "upgraded" I don't know if that is the proper term, but marketing changes over the years anddecades can come and go without any changes done to a book cover... but sometimes they do change.This makes new things appeal to the masses. Here is one of my favorite examples.

This time I am focusing on the new Nancy Drew books I found...

The Old...

These books were the first "real" books I ever owned, all of them were hardback and bright, bright yellow. I loved them back in the day because a hard back to me meant it was important but looking at these now I see that they are dated. 

The New...
These books were a fundamental part of my childhood and I am so happy to see them have a revamp!

I love these new covers. I find them interesting and wonderfully eye pleasing but it is still so Nancy Drew!

I was so excited to find these at Target and I hope they stay in circulation longer than their May 1st display date.

What do you guys think of the changes?


1. Jillian said...

Interesting. I love the old Nancy Drew covers, but that's kind of a unique take on it.

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