Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You'll Never Guess...

So, I have not spoken to all of you in two days! I just wanted to let you all know that I am currently 100 pages from finishing Last Sacrifice and then I shall resurface to all of you and humanity in general.
My friend and I went to four different places to find it at midnight last night, but it was so worth the sleep deprivation. I don't even mind I slept four hours last night.

I'll do a post about it and what not, but so far I am very, very happy.

Now to go back to reading.



Ashley @ Book Labyrinth said...

So, based on all the hype I've been hearing about this book this past week... I better go and start the series, right?

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

Dude lawl. I would have done that but I'm apparently not as hardcore as you :( I had to restrain myself from going out yesterday and scouring through all of the local B&N/Borders to see if they had it shelved early. I was even tempted to skip my class today to go get it. But alas, I only got it just a few hours ago. Why am I not reading it now? I had an essay to do and figured I'd get a bit of blogging done before I go back to it.

But amgzzz, can't wait to finish! I'm totally going into hermit mode once I get back into it! :D

Literature for Lunch said...

I really need to check out this series! I have been hearing about it everywhere. :) I am glad you were able to find it!

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