Twilight's Final Straw...
The other day while browsing at my local Books A Million I found something that angered me. It completely and utterly made me cringe.
Look at this:

Do you see it?!
The little circle in the upper right hand corner declaring it "Bella and Edward's favorite book?"
That is NOT a sticker. It is imprinted directly on the book, and that is what makes me sad. I LOVE Wuthering Heights, and I really do love this cover as well, it's more appealing to a younger audience than any other cover I have seen, but the fact that Bella and Edward have to be stamped directly onto it to enhance sales is where my heart dies a little.
I know I'm probably just going crazy, but I've had enough of Twilight. There are so many amazing books and authors out there, I mean now I can't even have Bronte without some reminder of Twilight.
I understand why the publishing companies would do this as Twilight is huge right now, I get that and I'm not mad at them, rather I just don't understand how the movie can come out and suddenly everyone is obsessed.
At my school every single freshman and sophomore girl is going crazy with Twilight fever (many of which even refuse to read the book) I had my Twilight phase, I did, and I don't consider myself to be a Twilight hater - I still love the books it's just the extent of their popularity that gets me.
I'm sorry if this offends any of you, but it's just how I feel from what I have witnessed personally. To prove I am not a Twilight hater here is an example of how big of a fangirl I was at one time...

Yes, I stood in line for four hours after Eclipse came out, met Stephenie Meyer, and got all of my books signed, and it is still one of the best days I remember, but yes I do love Twilight, post movie Twilight is the one I have come to be
disappointed with.
I'm sorry if I have upset anyone with this post, it's not what I meant to do, it's just how I feel.
Please feel free to comment with your thoughts.