Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Song of the Sparrow by: Lisa Ann Sandell : Review

Song of the Sparrow

by: Lisa Ann Sandell

From Barnes and Noble.com:

The year is 490 AD. Fiery 16-year-old Elaine of Ascolat, the daughter of one of King Arthur's supporters, lives with her father on Arthur's base camp, the sole girl in a militaristic world of men. Elaine's only girl companion is the mysterious Morgan, Arthur's older sister, but Elaine cannot tell Morgan her deepest secret: She is in love with Lancelot, Arthur's second-in-command. However, when yet another girl -- the lovely Gwynivere-- joins their world, Elaine is confronted with startling emotions of jealousy and rivalry. But can her love for Lancelot survive the birth of an empire?

From Me:
So when I read this book a few months ago, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I had read the back before...and put it down. Then I would pick it back up...read the back...and put it down, and this continued for awhile before I finally just decided to read it (I mean look at the cover!).

So I did, and let me just say I'm very happy with that decision.

I was afraid that the writing style would throw me off. The entire story is written through free style poetry, and I wasn't used to that, I didn't think that I would enjoy that, but I was wrong.

We are told this familiar story of King Arthur, but in a way that is not so familiar.

We meet Young Arthur - not this great King and Warrior we know but rather the smaller, fun loving, and much more relateable Arthur to us. We see him as a friend and not as a chracter from legend.
But this story is told from Elain's perspective, and we see everything from her eyes. Everything from her love of Lancelot, to her hatred of Gwynevire, it's all for us to see and wittness as if we were there.

And Elaine is no weakling. She doesn't sit back and watch the action - she's a part of it, which I think is why I enjoyed it. She takes matters into her hands, and she takes control :].

This book reads quickly because of the rhythm and the form in which it is written and it is extremely enjoyable throughout the entire story.

I do have one complaint though - only one and it's small and minuscule. I wanted more romance. What we got was very good...but as always I wanted more haha :]

I give it a 9. :]

By: Christina!


1. Kd said...

This sounds really good! I love reading stories like this, but I don't know about the poetry writing thing... But it does sound really good! Great Review :]

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