Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Georgette Heyer!

Okay so I just finished The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer...and it was AMAZING!

I'll have more information, and a review tomorow, but woah.

She's like Jane Austen with a huge sense of humor...it was wonderful and I had to voice it

Thanks guys.

I'll actually probably have a couple posts tomorow.

The Convenient Marriage
The Last Summer (of You and Me)
and perhaps
The Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

but we'll see. I may try to space out the updates more. Who knows.


By Christina! :]


1. LisaMay said...

Ooh I've read Memoirs of A Teenage Amnesiac. Did you like it?

xoxo Lisa May

2. Christina said...

Yeah I did, it was very different from Elsewhere though, which was absolutely AMAZING, and I think that through me off a bit.

But once I disassociated it from Elsewhere I loved it :]

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